Imagine being able to take any digital model and turn it into a three-dimensional solid object of any shape! Is it possible? Have we stepped into another dimension ourselves? Are we dreaming? Not anymore!

This dream has turned into a reality. “The future is here today!” says Larry Gottlieb, President & CEO of Hudson Valley Economic Development Corporation, about the development of 3D printing in the Hudson Valley. “This game-changing technology has the potential to grow our economy and create jobs in the Hudson Valley,” continues Gottlieb.

Ellenbogen Creative Media worked from start to finish with Focus Media, who organized the HVEDC event held at SUNY New Paltz to introduce 3D printing to the Hudson Valley. Their goal was to get the insider view and make this information available immediately after the event.

Ellenbogen crew took the initiative and used innovative techniques, which included putting a camera inside the printer to get an up close view of the 3D printing process. The use of Infographics was used in the promotional video 2 months before the event, which is a fun and quick way to introduce and promote 3D printing and the HVEDC event. Prior to the event, interviews were collected from Steven Lant, President & CEO at Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp, Sean Eldridge, President of Hudson River Ventures, and Don Christian, President of SUNY New Paltz. These interviews were added to the PowerPoint presentation and viewed the day of the event.

“HVEDC trusted us to really create a unique experience to the guests. Having no prior footage, we had to come up with an idea that was both innovative and a fast turn-around. I love being challenged with a problem and finding a way” says Jeremy Ellenbogen President & CEO of Ellenbogen Creative Media. Ellenbogen went well beyond achieving this goal by providing live webcast of the event, which enabled all those who could not attend or were in the overflow rooms to see the event in its entirety.

Multi-camera shoot with live sound reinforcement and live switching for webcast of the event was used. Senior Editor at Ellenbogen, Alex Pearson created the Infographics video as well as provided editing and post-production work for the event shoot. The event was shot by cinematographers, Zoltan David and Dennis O’Clair with audio handled by Eric Jacobs.

About Hudson Valley Advanced Manufacturing Center:
The founding of the Hudson Valley Advanced Manufacturing Center at Suny New Paltz this year brings opportunity to our youth in the Hudson Valley. The Center will prepare students for careers in the 3D printing industry by providing hands-on training. The “Dream Team” who made this center possible includes Larry Gottlieb, President & CEO of Hudson Valley Economic Development Corporation, Sean Eldridge, President of Hudson River Ventures and HVEDC board member, SUNY New Paltz, and Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. $1 million is devoted to this campaign. Sean Eldridge, donated $250,000 to the undertaking, his Hudson River Ventures is investing $500,000, and Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. will provide $250,000.