From West Palm Beach to Woodstock in 48 Hours!
Why did Dr. Jay Ajmo decide to work with Ellenbogen over the various production companies in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida? After viewing the latest Prettau commerials produced for Tischler Dental, Dr. Jay Ajmo and Office Administrator Amy Oakes were confident in our skills and experiences. He and Oakes flew into New York on November 16th to shoot footage for two television commercials, one infomercial, and a web video production.
Dr. Ajmo revealed, “Your team (Ellenbogen) was awesome! Thanks for doing such a great job on the shoot. You guys made us really comfortable and were really professional”.
The shoot took place throughout Dr. Tischler’s 10,000 square foot world-class facility. Dr. Ajmo and Ms. Oakes discussed the life-changing product, Prettau that is custom made for patients in Tischler Dentals’ in-house laboratory. The implant bridge is then offered to dental offices throughout the US, such as PGA Dentistry. Dr. Ajmo performs the Prettau Implant Bridge and is currently working on about a dozen cases with Dr. Michael Tischler at the Tischler Dental Laboratory.
The Ellenbogen Group has been specializing in medical, dental, and pharmaceutical advertising, with twenty-eight years of experience in digital media. The footage was shot simultaneously with a two Canon 5D Mark IIs and a Canon 35mm Lens.
The PGA Dentistry web video and television spot will be listed when completed.